
February 9, 2010

The Cats get lucky

One of the most comforting dishes for cold weather is Fish Pie. So gorgeous. I really wanted to get to The English Market in Cork city this weekend and stock up at O'Connells amazing fish stall but I was working so I just went to my local shop. Wah.

Anyway they had some fairly nice fish but not the amazing display of maritime beauties that the market offers.

Last week I bought a celeriac and it's been sitting glumly, looking rejected and unpopular in my back pantry. I just felt sorry for it in the shop but when I got home I didn't really know what to do with it.

Anyway I decided that it should be the crowning glory of The Fish Pie. Like one of those makeover shows: She was ugly at the start but oh my goodness look at her now! That can not be the same celeriac...


A mixture of any fish: 2 salmon darns, 2 pieces of smoked coley, 1 bag king prawns

1 pint milk

Black peppercorns

Bay Leaf

Flat leaf Parsley

Dried dill

Spring Onions

1 Onion chopped

4 tablespoons cream

2oz butter

2oz flour

1 tsp Dijon mustard

1 Celeriac

2 or 3 rooster potatoes



Peel the celeriac and potatoes and cut into medium sized chunks. Place in a large pot with boiling water and leave to cook whilst you get the filling ready.

Skin the fish and pick out any bones. Cut into larger than bitesize pieces.

Place the fish into a pan with the milk, a few peppercorns and bay leaf.

Simmer gently until the fish turns opaque and is just done.

Strain the milk out into a jug.

Saute the onions until softened, add the chopped spring onions for a minute.

Melt the butter in a pan and whisk in the flour to make a smooth roux. Add the mustard and cook for a few minutes till the roux bubbles.

Working quickly add the reserved fishy milk and whisk so there's no lumps. Increase the heat until the sauce thickens then take it off the heat.

Add the fish, dill, chopped parsley and prawns, onions and creams.

Once the celeriac and potatoes are cooked mash until smooth. Season and add the butter.

Spread the fish mixture into a large dish and top with the mash.

Bake in a hot oven , 200 degrees, until it bubbles and is golden brown on top, 30 minutes.

The finished result doen't look the prettiest but tastes unreal!

Lilly x


  1. Ha! You made this recipe so much more interesting by adding such a compelling narrative..! (And I have to confess I had to look up celeriac - for I had no idea of what it was!)


  2. Thanks Maria! We'll have to start a campaign to make Celeriac popular! x


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