
February 16, 2010

Let's play Kitchen!

I love packaging. At Christmas I always keep the boxes that things come in, I have so much tissue paper, wrapping paper and different cartons and crates. I always think that I'll find a brilliant use for them. I recently acquired two large cardboard boxes. These two boxes would have been the stuff of dreams when I was about eight years old so I knew exactly what to do with them. Make a Play Kitchen!

Lots of people have made similar kitchens and they're a great way to show kids that everything doesn't have to be plastic, or super expensive. And it shows them how to make something out of nothing.I always try and have something new each week in The Club. The smallies swarmed all over this and were all busy making soup. I took the photos after 3 hours of busy play so it looks a bit bedraggled!

It was very quick and any five year old could easily help.
- I just painted both boxes white.
- Cut out an oven door. Put a sheet of plastic on the door.

- Used a smaller box lined with tinfoil as the inside of the oven.
- Cut out flames from coloured card.
- Cut out the hob rings and sink from coloured card.
- The tap and handles are a cardboard tube covered in foil
- Cut a circle into the sink unit and snugly fit the metal bowl in
- Paper cut outs for the 'splashback'
- Jam jar lids are stuck on as the dials, numbers drawn on with marker

- Crocheted a square (tea towel, wash cloth) with a loop to hang off the side
- I used an empty plastic bottle with water & green food dye as Washing Up Liquid. and GLUED the lid on just in case!

I know what you're thinking. An electric hob and a gas oven? Really? The truth is I was watching The Godfather 2 whilst I was making this and was totally caught up in poor little Vito Corleones' journey from Sicily to New York that I wasn't concentrating properly! He had to stay in quarantine on Ellis Island for three months because he had small pox. And he didn't even have any packaging to play with, poor child!
Lilly x


  1. worthy of an oscar for best stage set/design.
    i commend you on this work of immense genius....
    Your distraction was in fact fortuitous , a dual gas and electric is totally de-rigeuer in the homes of the cognoscenti up above in dublin...

  2. Very impressive. I got my girls a charming little wooden Djeco cooker and thought I was doing well, but huge numbers of extra points are awarded for actually making your own. The club looks great - just what we need here and don't have.

  3. Thanks! Wow, my first Oscar nomination, Yay! Your blog is gorgeous,So much lovely stuff,I was glued to it for my lunch break at work today, I felt like I arrived late to the party!x

  4. Thanks mise! Lucky girls!I actually would LOVE a wooden one but don't have the cash money. Next on my wish list is a gorgeous wooden mixer! So cute.x

  5. I love this. It's actually pretty much what happens around here come Christmas or his birthday: Noah falls madly in love with the boxes, not the actual toys. (I mean, he likes the toys, too, don't get me wrong, but he refuses to let go of the boxes and he'll make up intricate plots and games for them..!)

    Anyway - your set here? Genius.


  6. hey lilly - you are just hilarious with that kitchen! thanks for leaving a comment on my blog and leading me to you....i recognised your name from the tv show - i was hooked as i have worked on cookery programmes for years and so you guys did a great and interesting twist on it which i loved watching, hilarious. i see you did a ballymaloe stint also...i worked on rachel allens last book and tv series with her...perhaps we can hook up for a crafty & foodie chat when i'm down in cork next! sharon x

  7. Thanks for the lovely comments! I'm blushing.
    Maria- If Noah is anything like his moma & papa then I'd say he makes amazing things with cardboard boxes!
    Sharon- I'm glad you liked the show, It was a great way for me to show off all my fancy china! Your blog is gorgeous, you did a brilliant job with royal french bed! x

  8. That is brilliant. My kids love when huge boxes with deliveries come and they make houses, boats etc with them but that is definitely bookmarked for the next delivery and half the fun is in the making of them!

  9. Wow, your play kitchen looks amazing! My favorite is the oven with the flames, very creative.

  10. Thanks so much everyone! Next thing I must do is make some felt play food for the busy little chefs! x

  11. If we move to Cork (v possible in the next few mths) I'll definitely be looking into the Club for my 8 year old!! She loves crafts and it looks brilliant :)

  12. Thanks Cliona! Thats so nice! Id say it's great having a crafty eight year old in the house! I get loads of ideas from the smallies in the club, they're not afraid to try anything! x


Let me know what you think!x