
March 26, 2010

Board silly...

I'm very lucky that the boy that makes my heart go boom is as obsessed with food as I am. I remember the very first time we met he impressed me with stories of how he made his own pesto. I think that really dates that story, it's like a couple in the 1970's discussing homemade marie rose sauce for their prawn cocktail.
He really does approach the kitchen fearlessly, which did result in the near loss of one of his fingers and somehow getting blood on the ceiling in the process. Anyway he's always got some project on the go, whether it's duck confit, quince paste or 40 jars of chutney. There may not be a drop of milk in the house, but hey, we have 10 bottles of Elderflower champagne!

Last weekend he made pork and apple sausages.

Aren't they unreal? And he managed to loop them like a butcher does. He used a mincer and sausage stuffing attachment for the Kenwood Chef. He got the sausage casings online and got a load of pork belly and advice from O'Flynns butchers up in the English Market in Cork. O'Flynns make amazing sausages and I always have a few packs in the freezer.

He also made the chopping board that the sausages are on. He made two in beech for my birthday a few years ago. They're a ton weight but they're brilliant. I really can never use a plastic chopping board and my least favourite thing is glass. Eeek! The sound of a knife on glass! I love having wooden chopping boards and there's natural antiseptics in wood too apparently so it's alot more hygienic than plastic.

My two chopping boards were in nearly every kitchen scene in my brilliant sister Maeve's TV show Fancy Vittles. I was so proud each time I saw them! I'm also subtly showing off my burleigh mug in this photo.

I look like I have a massive hip in this photo but it's actually a clip on microphone...I swear!

My chopping boards have now retired from the world of showbiz. They did threaten to leave Fancy Vittles and go to The Afternoon Show but settled down once I pointed out that they'd turn out like The Olsen Twins if they let fame get the better of them.

Lilly xAlign Center


  1. Lilly I just realised who your sister is... I think Maeve is the funniest person I've ever come across... I used to cry listening to her on the Ray Darcy show!! Gas!! A very talented family indeed!!

    We never have elderflower champagne or home made sausages and my hubby is a chef but to be fair he's cooking all week long. They look yummy and very impressed that he made the chopping board to boot!

  2. Hi Lilly, the sausages look really tasty. Love foodie blogs. Keep it up!

  3. Oh I must get hold of that show to watch! I'd heard good things of it when it started but never got to see it, with the constant chaos in this house and all. You look beautiful, you and your mug!

    And yet another impressive sister from your collection.

  4. as george bernard shaw said to me "there is no love more sincere than the love of food"

    I am at my happiest when someone cooks for me.

    I really liked fancy vittels , are you the genius behind all the excellent animation ?

  5. Hello Lilly! I was led here via Pretty Far West, and I am so glad as this looks a very nice place to be. I love your comment about how food can date a story, gosh... I probably should stop telling everyone how much I love Arctic Roll. :)

    I haven't seen the show but that is a lovely pic of you and your sis - gorgeous outfits and I love the flower hair-clips. And the mug, of course!

  6. Thanks everyone! So nice!
    Allthingsrosie: You're so lucky to be married to a chef! I bet he's really good at cleaning up after himself when he does cook though!
    Aden: Pleased to meet you and thanks for visiting!
    Mise: I know, so many sisters, so little time! RTE repeat everything so I'd say it'll be on again.
    Jaboopee: Shaw was dead right. Yeah I did the animations with technical help from Liam,Ian,Jean and Michael.I loved it even though they only lasted seconds on screen!
    Jayne: Hello and welcome! I love to Artic Roll is brilliant too! x

  7. now thats a man you have to marry! love the snap on set.....what a great show. s x

  8. Wow, homemade sausages.. English husband would go bonkers...Don't know what you all are talking about ie. the tv show...but hey if you did it I bet it was cool...cynthia


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