
March 31, 2010

Hunting Season...

It's nearly that time of year when it's ok to have chocolate for breakfast (and it's not Christmas). Easter is just around the corner, and you know what else that means; Egg Hunt! Woohoo!

If you don't have an egg hunting basket for the Easter Parade then never fear! This is for you...

First get an A4 piece of card or it can be a square. Divide it into 9 equal pieces using your pencil & ruler. Cut along both of the horizontal lines on either side.

You can also cut a scalloped edge around the top and bottom of the page. Stamp or write 'Egg Hunt' or 'Eggscuse me, I'm hunting' or something similar.

Just make sure you do all your decorating before you fold it up.

Fold up the sides and staple in to place. Staple on a strip of card or ribbon as the handle. You can also make a Mammy Hen to guard all the eggs.

This is a really handy little basket to know how to make. It's perfect for giving to people full of cakes, flowers, kittens, biscuits, anything. Or you know sometimes when you want to give someone a pot of jam or something and it looks really miserable on its own? Well fill one of these babies with tissue paper, a posy of flowers from your garden and tuck the jam in there too. Gorgeous!

Lilly x


  1. Lilly, I've wondered all my life why everything I've ever given anybody looked miserable on its own. I think this basket of yours is going to turn things round for me. I may even give up the self-help books.

    But, seriously, the birdhouse mobile you posted was such a big hit here with creative daughter that we'll definitely make this tomorrow.

  2. These are perfect. We are hunting on Sunday with 15 children so I think I will get my crafty 10 yr old to have a go at these. And she got a set of scalloped edge scissors for Christmas, perfect.
    I will post when they are done.
    Thanks Lilly
    You are an inspiration.
    P.S. Since seeing your fab sausages I have dug out my mums old (30+ years) Kenwood chef and am going to source a sausage attachment for it. Hell I think I might even start keeping pigs just on the strength of it!!

  3. Lilly I have just read your carrot cake recipe, is bread soda the same as bicarbonate of soda or something completely different? I would like to try it. Also do you make soda bread (a silly question I know) please will you blog it if you do.
    Thanks muchly
    Claire x

  4. Hi Claire, Yeah bread soda is the same thing as bicarbonate of soda, just make sure you don't use too much as you can really taste it if you do! I do make soda bread so I'll post a recipe for sure.
    Im so envious of your daughters scalloped edge scissors, kids nowadays huh? Lucky thing!
    Oh and you can get the kenwood attachment on Amazon I think! Enjoy the egg hunt on Sunday!x


Let me know what you think!x