
March 12, 2010

A poodle in a basket

Did you ever promise someone you'd make them something incredible and then realise you have no idea how to make it? That's what I did yesterday. After alot of googling here it is. Now you'll have to use your imagination for this one:
It's a poodle. With buttons for eyes.
Have a great weekend!
Lilly x


  1. That's amazing, and sure beats topiary! You could make your fortune making life-sized bride and groom flower sculptures for fancy weddings.

  2. Oh? Thats a great idea. I've been looking for a fortune making idea. In the film of my life this day may be the highlight! Thanks Mise! Let me know who you would like to play you in said film. Maybe Julia Roberts?

  3. It's just what it says on the tin. Brilliant.
    How on earth did you get drawn into aggreeing (sp?) to make such a request!!! The mind boggles.
    Claire x

  4. P.S. Your clock on your posting times seems a bit awry....either that or I've had too much of the cooking sherry already tonight!

  5. I could totally tell this was a poodle, regardless of the post title. You should be proud of your flower arrangement, it looks amazing!

  6. and is that a delicious lickable minstrel for his cute little nose .
    what happened next?

  7. Thanks so much for the lovely comments!
    Claire, I think I fixed the clock, I had it on Tijuana time for some reason! I ended up making this because I said to an 80 year old lady 'would you like flowers? Or a poodle? or poodle flowers?'.
    Jessica, You're the Queen of Cute Craft so I'm delighted you like it!
    Jaboopee, No way is that a minstrel. It's a button. Minstrels don't last in my house!

  8. Hi Lilly
    Thanks for commenting on my strawberry swirls, they were lovely. I cheated in the photo as the plate is on the edge of my very best Laura Ashley pinny, not a tablecloth.
    Claire x

  9. Hi Lilly!

    I heart this poodle big time. I had to share it with my best friend and poodle lover, Laura, this morning. :D

    Thanks for cheering up my morning.

  10. You are so talented!! I flippin love that poodle...I REALLY want one! xx


Let me know what you think!x