
April 27, 2010

Knitty Cat


  1. love your blogging ramblings but love this silent post too....lovely shots that tell the story....can hear you wittering away to yourself in the background though, lol! s x

  2. This is so cute! I am in the midst of baby knitting now - a matinée coat for granddaughter which will fit her in a few months - but when my kids were little I made them toys - we lived in the tropics so jumpers were redundant - I even knitted Bosco for oldest son. Look forward to reading more of your blog. I think I saw your sis's tv show one night. I've a graphic designer son - in his 5th year of study(MA level now!) but no Ballymaloe kids - that's my aspiration!
    All the best, Catherine

  3. Sharon: Ha!You're so right, I know, I had so much to say about this but decided to just leave it at the photos because it's self explanatory and super easy!x
    Catherine: A knitted bosco! I'd love to see it, I was a major bosco fan! Design jobs are scarce at the moment but tell your son to look on, he probably knows about it already though!

  4. It is lovely and so simple. What sort of yarn is it?

  5. She's so cute with her mis matched eyes and little ribbon , she loves the camera too doesn't she?
    The pincushion looks very shy just hanging around in the background there, I imagine it's just waiting for the day that it too gets a post all of it's own.

  6. Oh very sweet! And amazingly cat-like for something that isn't cat-like, if you know what I mean. That new camera of yours focuses beautifully.

  7. This is stunning. Also, are those cat headed knitting needles? So sweet!

  8. I love your cat and its mismatched eyes. Very sweet.

    I used to dislike knitted toys and I don't know why. I've actually taken quite a shine to them recently and want to make a mouse from a pattern I saw.

  9. Claire: The yarn is welsh, by It's 70% wool, 15% kid mohair, 15% silk. I just got it because I like the colours though! Now I realise why it cost a fortune!
    Jaboopee: That pincushion is unreal, always vying for attention!
    Mise:I had a tail made for her and everything but it just didn't look right, she's cat like enough!
    Maeve: I didn't even notice those needles! I'm a goose, well spotted missy!
    Aden: I've never knitted from a pattern, I can never understand them! I'd love to see the knitted mouse though, cute!

  10. Your knitty cat is adorable. And I really like the color of the yarn, it's so vibrant.

  11. Very cute - and I can hear you giggling in the background too! Wish I could knit...

  12. Oh this is lovely! You took the photographs at great moments in its creation - love your red pin cushion too! I remember once trying to knit - my mum gave me some cast-off brown wool the colour of poop, which didn't make me feel that inspired come to think of it, and I attempted to make a Sindy blanket, which turned into a Sindy scarf, then a Me scarf, then it all unravelled as I didn't know how to stop and got bored. I was also rubbish at Loopy Lou's (remember them?!)


Let me know what you think!x