
April 7, 2010

Makeover Time!

Did you notice? I made a new banner thing! Hurray! Do you like it? (I'm highly praise driven, a classic Leo.) I wanted it to reflect what this blog is about so I knew I couldn't just write it out. It's all about me making and baking stuff and sharing the photos, ideas and recipes with you cool dudes.

Writing stuff out in 100's and 1000's always sounds like a good idea but in reality it's pretty tricky. If you ever do this here's a top tip: use a pair of tweezers.

But writing stuff in tea leaves in harder. I know this now. Don't ever promise someone that you will write them a letter using only tealeaves. Even if you're trying to impress them.

The cake in the photo is chester cake and I made a huge slab of it! Gorgeous! I'll post the recipe here next.
Lilly x


  1. I love it. I do. And I love your new profile picture in the red coat, too, although I realize that is not new-new.


  2. Yay! Thanks Maria! You have brilliant taste so I'm delighted ! x

  3. Every day in every way you just keep getting better and better...
    I've just been on to the blogger header department and i've nominated your blogger header as the most ingenious ,clever ,stylish, and contemporary depiction of what a blogger header should be .

    Can I have your autograph ?

  4. This is the blogger header department speaking. We've received a nomination for your blogger header as the dot dot dot and are giving the application due consideration. Unfortunately, Ms Jaboopee forgot to enclose the application fee for header assessment. Given the trouble with tea-leaves, however, we'll waive this requirement and are pleased to indeed declare your new header the dot dot dot.

  5. well I just found your blog so I have no idea what your old banner looked like but this new one is amazing and makes me a little jealous and the feeling like I need to change my own banner.

  6. I think this is a lovely perfect banner for your blog! It is much better than just writing it out, as it encompasses everything you do. The colours and composition are beautiful as well.

    How did I do with the praise? ;)

    Ps - my word verification is 'exult'! Hahaha... couldn't be better!

  7. Jaboopee & Mise: Ye make a great team! Thanks so much for the award, no really I don't deserve it... Ok I'll take it anyway... Thank you!(places award on bare mantlepiece)
    ImplausibleYarn: I recognise your slight jealousy as the ultimate compliment, Thank you!
    Jayne: Your praise was perfect! You're so good!And yes exult was the perfect word!

  8. I don't think I've ever seen such a pretty blog!

    As a new visitor I have no idea what your old header was like, but this is JUST divine :0)

  9. Hey!

    Only came across your blog just now, the banner is so cool even my boyfriend commented!

    Hope you keep posting :)

  10. hey leo lilly! well the new banner is just fabulous....the effort you put in, the creativity, the wit, the charm, the good looks......endless amazing things to say about its and your fabulousness (very bad grammer)! well done! x

  11. As with your profile, it is with me, but I try to slip WRITE between work and sleep! Come check out my blog : WRITING IN THE CROSSHAIRS :

    May tomorrow always be happier for you than yesterday, Roland

  12. Sharon: Thanks a million, you're such a peach. I know I forced everyone to praise me but thanks!
    Roland: How lovely, and welcome! It'd be amazing if tomorrow is better than yesterday because I had a smashing day yesterday. I'm looking forward to it already!

  13. We're all praise driven dear, and it looks good, the banner does so well done!!!!!!!!

  14. awwww you're new banner is adorable - LOVE it. I'm trying to re-do mine and have been sketching like mad. I think I'll wait until college term is over though as there's so much more to do. M x

  15. Kitchen Butterfly: Thanks! Your blog is gorgeous, wow! I had to subscibe!
    Michelle: Thanks a million! I know it took me ages to finally do it! Yours will be lovely though when you do get the time x


Let me know what you think!x