
April 18, 2010

Pacific Pea Soup

I was a major fan of Band of Brothers, the World War II miniseries. I loved it. Then I was delighted to hear about The Pacific. A new show about the US Marine Corps fighting the Japanese. But it's just not the same. Maybe I haven't given it enough time. The writing is poor, the characters aren't as likeable as in Band of Brothers. I want more Band of Brothers basically. More of the same please HBO. No changes.

I'm still going to watch it though.

Anyway I was eating this gorgeous soup as I watched the marines trek their way through the jungle. This is one of my all time favourite soups. So quick and easy. And you can throw it together from stuff you have in the house normally. All you need is a bag of frozen peas! I've made this with mint before too and it was lovely.

The OXO brand garlic crusher is the best ever. If you eat alot of garlic then this fella is a must!

Pea & Coriander Soup
A Ballymaloe Recipe


1 1/2 pints stock, heated

2oz butter

5oz onion, chopped

2 garlic cloves, crushed

1 green chilli, de-seeded & chopped

450g frozen peas

2 tbsp freshly chopped coriander

salt, pepper, sugar

  • Melt the butter on a gentle heat, add the onion, garlic & chilli.
  • Season with salt & pepper, sweat for 4 mins
  • Add the peas, cover with hot stock
  • Bring to the boil, simmer for 5-8 mins
  • Add the coriander and liquidise.
  • Check the seasoning and add a pinch of sugar to enhance the flavour.

This soup can be served cold too. A few years ago I had this at a wedding in little espresso cups and everyone just loved it. A really gorgeous summery soup.

Lilly x


  1. uuummm my favourite too....& yes especially with mint. loving the vintage colander & spoon ;) i have a gazpacho over on old friendly cottage today, speaking of cold soups...hope you had a sunny weekend! s x

  2. Sharon:Yum! Your gazpacho looks amazing! I love the idea of putting crab on it too. And I'm so envious of your gorgeous photos! Beautiful!

  3. Sounds tasty Lilly - tell me though, is it very thin soup? I'm trying to figure out what's thickening it. Whenever I'm making soup like carrot and parsnip etc I use a nice potato to thicken it up.

  4. thanks for sharing...sounds delicious! Beth

  5. this is my default soup, easy and quick and most importantly beautiful. Do you just substitute the coriander for mint for the mint version? (IE leave the chilli in ? )
    thank you for your culinary advice in advance...

  6. Sounds yummy Lilly. 'The Pacific' is screening here at the moment too - tonight in fact. I am at my key board while my husband is avidly watching it!

  7. Rebecca: The soup is nice and thick, I hate when soup splashes around the place. The onions and peas thicken it up, Thank God! I usually have potatoes as my soup base too but theres no need for them to muddy the waters here!
    Beth: Thanks!
    Jaboopee: I should have said that. I don't put chilli in the mint version! I 'omit' the coriander, as they say.
    Amanda: I'm such a hypocrite. I was glued to the TV last night watching The Pacific! It's a grower! x

  8. I've never made pea soup. I loved peas and I'm going to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing, Lilly!

  9. Very impressed that the serving spoon matches the peas perfectly.

  10. I love the pot, the spoon and the soup. I have frozen peas!

  11. Sounds great Lilly - you've put my thin/thick fears at ease. I'll give it a go this week I think, have everything I need in the house :)

  12. Yum that looks really good. I think I might give it a try. Thanks for sharing :)

  13. Aden: Your name is so cool Aden. Every time I see it I think you must be a character from a novel!
    ma Larkin: It's a total coincidence that the spoon matches! A happy coincidence ;)
    Tracy, Jen & Rebecca: thankls girls!x

  14. Oh lovely. I make something similar, but without adding the stock - I make the onion, pea etc mixture and then stir in fluffy couscous to make pea couscous, which always goes down well.

    Your soup looks beautiful served in the mug on the red table.

  15. i just came back here to use your pea recipe, and i don't see my long comment i wrote before! maybe i wrote it somewhere else. weird. it was about the pacific and how it's not better than band of brothers, and how i like peas, and I like this recipe. next time, i'll make sure i hit "post comment" xo

  16. Sorry Kera! I never saw that comment! Its probably the word verification thing getting in the way again. Hope the soup turns out lovely and have a lovely Birthday weekend!yay!X


Let me know what you think!x