
May 15, 2010

Owl you need is love...

You remember the cat I made a while ago? Well she'd been feeling pretty lonesome lately and wandered into the wrong side of town. There she met a hand stitched felt handsome bird by the name of Owl. He wears a patch because he is a Pirate and he sails on a Pirate ship (not his own, he's the head pirates right hand bird but he's working his way up the pecking order and maybe next year he'll have his own crew, all going well). He thought that his true love was the high seas and the rum that wet his beak, that was until he set eyes on Cat as she wandered around the fish market looking for pollock.

Cat was instantly attracted to his unnecessarily colourful plumage and the multicoloured wooden beads that he picked up on his last trip to Rio. This guy was well travelled, she could tell.

Her mind raced as she desperately thought of some way to strike up conversation with this dashing bird pirate.

'I'm looking to buy some pollock, Have you seen the fishmonger?' she asked.

'Who?' he replied. And that's how it all started.

Over a few more nautical conversations they fell in love. Now they are planning their future together. Their plan is to buy a boat and get married. Cat is working as a waitress in a cocktail bar and saving up because apparently they need honey and plenty of money all wrapped up in a five pound note. Owl is working away on the Pirate ship, he has two weeks at sea and then a week off.It's some sort of routine at least. He serenades her with his small guitar and gravelly Tom Waits voice.

And of course his patch is removable because when he goes to the bank to clear out his savings account to buy the pea green boat he wants to look respectable.

So now we must wait and see if these two loved up cuties can work hard enough and save to fulfill their dream to be married in a land far away.

Lilly x


  1. hello Lilly Higgins, Thesee are the most adorable lil cats...I wuv them.

  2. I wonder whether you could adapt that magnificent cooker you made a while ago to create a boat worthy of them? Owl looks so wonderfully protective in that last photo.

  3. This might actually be the cutest thing I've ever seen. Perhaps they can dance by the light of the moon after the wedding...!

  4. just adore these - I want one!

  5. i can understand cat's desire, he is sooohhh SEXY,
    i hope he leaves the blind fold on , i know i'd insist on it.
    i'm getting palpatations here lilly,
    'soft' porn indeed.

  6. Lilly! I love it! I have fabric scraps from the owl bag. Could you send me your address :)

  7. hehehehe, soooo cute! i love your header by the way...i don't think i mentioned that before :)

  8. Thanks liv,Kitty Cat (love your dress), Cookie Button, Elycia and Wendy! x
    Mise: Thats a good idea. I was thinking of making the boat from a wire frame and covering it in fabric blah blah but I can't decide. They want a green oak one. So demanding.
    Maeve: Damn right they'll dance by the light of the moon, oh young romance! Love it.
    Ma Larkin: I had to look up what a card was! Thanks!
    Jaboopee: I'm afraid it's just a patch and not a blindfold so he's only 1/2 as sexy as you thought. Sorry.
    Meeabee: Eeek! I would love some owl fabric! You're so good, Can't wait! And well done again on that beautiful owl bag:

  9. So sweet! handsome owl and pretty pussy cat! May they sail happily off into the sunset!

  10. hey lilly....gorgeous story and crafting and photography....such zingy colours! it was fantastic to meet you yesterday! and thank you soooo much for the gorgeous ginger cookie (standard pusher!)....was very impressed to see your little sewn packages on the swag table at the end of the event. such a shame you had to leave early! hopefully catch up at taste xx

  11. Catching up on last month's blogs, these are sickeningly GORGEOUS. I hope next month involves a beautiful pea green boat :) I really love my time out sitting down to read your posts, usually incorporating the consumption of tea and absorption of sunshine via the loungeroom window. Thanks muchly x


Let me know what you think!x