
May 30, 2010

A Winner, & a Trip to The Natural History Museum!

To find The Mermaid a home I used the brilliant and we have a winner! It picked no.5 so that's Maeve of The Delights of Tea and other things! She's not my sister Maeve, this is legit. So email me and I'll send her out to you. Thanks so much to everyone for entering and leaving your favourite cake comments! Expect to see alot of cakes made here over the next few weeks!
I spent my weekend in Dublin and apart from having a gorgeous dinner in The Mermaid Cafe and breakfast in Avoca we went to The Natural History Museum. It's now open again having been restored and Oh wow.

It has to be the best museum ever. I you love the idea of mice gossiping, Platypus posing and cute baby seals gazing lovingly at you then this is where its at.

Initially the thought of entering a taxidermists themepark is a bit weird but once you're in there an incredible sense of awe takes over and there is just so much to see! It's just brilliant. In the front garden there are topiary leaping fawns and greeting you at the door are three huge deer skeletons. Some of the animals look a bit worse for wear and you have to read the labels just to find out what they are, but it just adds to the charm. Like look at the state of this ferret thing...

There were loads of kids there drawing insects and staring in awe up at the elephant and whales. They have a brilliant case of rodents going all the way up from a tiny field mice to a huge rat. Upstairs they have gorillas, a tiger, lion cubs and hyenas. You name it, they have it.

I'm definitely going back there because you could spend hours wandering around looking at all the Irish sea birds and the fish, there's loads. And incredibly it's free! There was a very worried little boy asking his dad repeatedly if stuff would eat him. When he saw the monkeys: Would he eat us? The lions: Would he eat us? The poor eel that choked on a frog and got immortalised in the act? Would he...

Anyway I'm off to plan some serious cake making, yay! Have a good week!
Lilly x

PS All photos on this post were taken by my partner in crime and his brilliant camera that I always rob and get flour on by mistake x


  1. Amazing, just decided to have a quick internet browse before bed and what a brilliant surprise! I'm only delirah, she'll be welcomed with open arms to her new home!

    The natural history museum is a bit freaky isn't it? What an adorable little baby seal, looking up in innocence and possibly fear... Eek. I must go next time I'm in the big shmoke though, there's something really fascinating about it!

  2. I'm so delighted that the museum is open again, I have to go visit SOON. I went to see the bits of it they had out in Collins Barracks last year and overheard a guy who worked there saying how the old museum is like a museum of a museum, what with all the old timber cases and general Victorian-ness of it. I just love that idea.

  3. I used to work around the corner from that museum, so all the stuffed stuff and I were best friends. And I owe you some soap - I wonder where I should send it?

  4. i think you might love these mouses .

    Did you get to see the ameoba,?? that's always been my favourite .

  5. hey dont you know that i'm absolutely terrified of mice?! so i had a to skip quickly past that first piccie! but you're forgiven, what with all this talk of cakes to come. if you're in dublin this week, thursday to be exact, i'm doing a little food presentation at the sugar club....check out about it on my work blog & let me know if you're around. if not, taste is nearly upon us! x

  6. Aw..! Mouse gossip is the BEST. Too bad I'm late for the mermaid giveaway - she's a doll. (HA. Okay, okay - it's more like hee.) But seriously - what a beauty..!

    And you? You're a sweetheart, dear, and I appreciate the positive thoughts you sent my way. Truly, Thank you.


  7. Should you ever find your self down here in the Southern Hemisphere, namely in Wellington I must take you to the Featherston taxidermy museum. You have to ring ahead and tell the guy you are coming and he opens up behind his house a wee log cabin thats full of dusty old animals from around the world! Featherston in rural and in the middle of green paddock there is a temple of stuffing! Lions, tigers and bears- oh my! Its amazing! And then I will make you a quiche which I think you might mock as you sister did when she came to lunch. Tell Maeve I'm still weeping softly at her crust related cruelty.


Let me know what you think!x