
July 13, 2010

Rose Petal Jam: Romance is in the air!

Any recipe that has sugar and rose petals in the ingredients list has to be sweet. Rose Petal Jam has it all. A delicate rose scent, a sweet floral taste, and a romantic glowing pink colour. Capturing summer in a jar has never been so easy!
My mother used to make this when we were small and I remember seeing her pulling the bitter yellow ends off the rose petals before covering the pink petals in sugar. If ever there is a relaxing job then preparing the velvety petals for the jam is it! And as your jam bubbles away on the cooker the whole house becomes drenched in the heady smells of roses and lemons. Beautiful!

Here is the recipe I used. The only alteration I made was that I used jam sugar which has added pectin as a setting agent. I don't usually use it because it can give a too 'set' texture sometimes but it worked here!
This jam is beautiful in a sponge cake with fresh cream, spread over slices of Madeira cake in a trifle or on scones. Oh and only use roses from your, or someone elses, garden. Only old blousy scented garden roses that are unsprayed should be used. And no greenfly allowed.

Lilly x
Another rose recipe: My Turkish Delight Cupcakes


  1. jaboopee beat me to it. my goodness, this is glorius. you are a darling girl to share this recipe.

  2. Lilly, please open an online rose petal jam shop. I read this post last night and was too overwhelmed with yearning to comment then. I didn't even know such a jam existed.

  3. Amazing! It's like a recipe from Roald Dahl, No, maybe from a fairytale, or a recipe that the fairies passed on!! I never knew this was possible with rose petals.

  4. This morning, I woke up from a dream in which I was covering myself in your rose petal jam. In my dream your jam also had gold leaf. I think I must have been in heaven!

  5. Oh my goodness....if that doesn't just sound DELICIOUS!!! What a fantastic post, thanks for sharing!!!!

  6. Heavens to Betsy woman, not only is that an amazing recipe, but the photographs are stunning. I can smell those roses and that crisp green and white linen from here.

  7. P.S. Did your bird arrive yet?!

  8. Oh this looks lovely! I wish I'd known I could turn rose petals into jam when I was little - I used to have a merry time collecting them to bash around in a pot with water to make 'rose perfume' and then sell it to my mum at 5p a pot. Don't think she ever wore it though... :)

  9. Thanks everyone! Jayne I used to make that same 'perfume' too!

  10. Another lovely irish blog lady (not bag lady, blog lady). Must find some rose petals this looks divine.


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