
August 16, 2010

Blackberry Crumble Cake

The second blackberry recipe I tried is adapted from a really nice cherry cake. A few years ago there were about four Rachel Allen 'Bake' books floating around on Christmas morning, that type of thing always happens when you have five sisters! I ended up with one book anyway and have made the Cherry Crumble Cake a few times, really easy and nice with a touch of cinnamon. I knew it would work well with blackberries too!

Rachel actually has the original Cherry recipe here, Perfect! Just substitute the cherries for blackberries.

This cake was amazing straight out of the oven with whipped cream, it was gorgeous for breakfast and I also brought some to work and we all had it mid morning with tea!
Lilly x


  1. This one looks lovely too! The current vogue at our house is for blackberries ever so slightly mashed with a fork and mixed into softened vanilla ice-cream. With a bit of meringue, it would be Eton Mess, or Junior Infants' Mess, more likely.

  2. yum! That sounds gorgeous Mise, I'll have to try that next!

  3. Looking very delicious, Lilly! This is my kind of breakfast.

  4. Blackberries are in season here too, i love them with plain yougart, so delicious! your cake looks wonderful too.

  5. Looks great! I have Rachel's Bake book too - must check that out - like you I am picking loads of Blackberries, never go to work without a few plastic tupperwarey containers to snag wayward blackberries in - I am lucky that I go around all the back roads and boreens in my job so I can spot the good places, and then spend my lunch hour picking away. A farmer on a tractor stopped the other day and told me where there were loads, and I headed off down another boreen. Must try your cake too, sounds delightful.
    All the best, Catherine

  6. I just made this with blueberries (seeing as I had a load of them in the freezer), so thanks for the idea! Birthday cake for my dad and he was delighted with it.


Let me know what you think!x