
November 3, 2010

The first Loaves & Fishes Supper Menu

So our first Loaves & Fishes Supper event is just around the corner. Everyone is booked in and ready to go. And after lots of cooking and eating and more cooking we have our menu finalised! This Saturday night we'll be serving up the following:

Butternut & Roast Garlic soup with Sage leaves
Hazelnut loaf & Sourdough

Messy Mezze: Hummus, Beetroot Puree,Tzatziki, Pitta Crisps & Olives

 Pilaf with Slow roast spiced lamb & Aubergine with Buttermilk sauce

 Tunisian Orange Cake with Maya Gold Chocolate Soup

 Caramelised walnuts & Marzipan dates

 Tea & Coffee

For the first one I stuck to foods that I love to cook as I'll feel more confident then! There'd be no point in trying something drastically different when there's a load of hungry people waiting for dinner! I'll post photos of the food and a recipe or two after the event.
Lilly x


  1. That sounds AMAZING. I'm hungry now after reading that. Chocolate soup = genius! I must know more.

  2. Oh my oh my oh my.this all sounds so wonderful Lilly! Good idea to stick to what you like to cook...less stress and more fun for all. Can't wait to see and read all about the night..enjoy and look forward to your next one! Imen xx

  3. That looks utterly tempting. I wish I could be there, and I'm looking forward to the recipes.

  4. Wow that looks AMAZING! Wish I was going - hope all goes smoothly.

  5. Kitty Cat: I'll have to put up the recipe for chocolate soup so!
    Imen,Mise & Eimear: Thanks! x

  6. What a fantastic idea, and an even more amazing menu. Good luck with your first event and hope there'll be many more!

  7. Saavage!! I freakin LOVE mezze! Well done girl, x

  8. Hi Lilly - just a quick note to say thanks to you all for a great night - food was amazing !! FYI Chocolate soup left overs are even nicer the next day. Heated it with strawberries.

  9. Hope all went well - was thinking about you!!

    There is an award for you over on my blog :-}

  10. This looks great - love the menu, especially the dessert - maya gold soup - mmmmmmm


Let me know what you think!x