
January 4, 2011

Haaaappy New Year!

Happy New Year! Hurray! 2011 is upon us. I have to say I am one of those people that can't sleep in the run up to Christmas.I just LOVE it. Images of sugar plums really do dance in my head. I lie awake planning to get more brown sugar and cinnamon after work. Then make the gingerbread dough. Then make mincemeat and pot it etc. Then Christmas comes and goes and I'm left with a fridge empty but for a jar of rum butter to remind me of all the gorgeous things we ate and the glorious sitting around with nothing to do and nowhere to go.  I do suffer from the January Blues and often start to make Valentine themed biscuits pretty quickly! The New Year always seems so full of potential, a whole year to do whatever we want with it!

Last January I decided to start this blog and I'm so glad I did as I've made so many new friends as well as doing some gorgeous baking and crafts too. One of my favorite posts from the last year would be when the hens laid a tiny egg or when the ducks laid their first egg! It was like a miracle. Go Ducks!
On New Years Day I decided to use up all the cream in the house and be rid of the damn stuff. So I made Nigellas gorgeous Pavlova and Trifle combo. I have to say they were gorgeous. her recipes always work out perfectly. You may notice I overwhipped the cream. Yes I did. I have been overwhipping and overbeating things all Christmas due to my overzealous use of my new secret weapon. The Candy Apple Red Limited Edition 90th Anniversary Kitchen Aid mixer. Sigh... I have no problem admitting that I bawled my eyes out when I was given this. It really does rank up there with Christmas 1986 when I got my first Sindy Doll. But the mixer is more glittery and beautiful and it makes me want to keep the kitchen clean and tidy too which is amazing!

Also over the year I've been doing more food related posts rather than craft ones; Who knew?! Although my favourite craft was when I made the dolls pram blanket set for Eve. So cute! This year I also started The Loaves & Fishes Supper club with my sisters which I love doing and hope to continue this year and feed even more people! Anyway here's to a brilliant New Year full of beautiful things and gorgeous food. Here are some lovely flowers from last summer to get you in the mood for Spring!
Lilly x

PS. If you too feel like you can't face another mince pie then take a look at my sister Raedi's new blog: Get Fit Ireland. She's a personal trainer and triathlete and she WILL get you moving! x


  1. oh much kitchen aid love lilly! what an amazing gift. i was trying to use up eggs the other day and made custard, which i first of all curdled and had to make another batch. which left me with zillions of whites. and what to do with whites? make sugary meringues or course. and what do you have with meringues? lots and lots of cream, just like you did. and so we have been unintentionally eating meringues and cream every night for the last week and they dont seem to be going away! will this christmas feasting ever end!?

    thanks for your tweet there too. babypie is cooking nicely. yes, the nursery. just started thinking about that this week now so lots of staying up really late on blogs for inspiration and ebay for shopping!! very exciting times!

    catch up soon, let me know the next supper club date & hopefully we can make it this time! s x

  2. Yum, meringues and cream are just amazing. There's a great website called with gorgeous baby crafts and blankets etc. if you're looking for inspiration! Talk to you soon X

  3. All Kitchenaids are beautiful and your candy apple red model is up there with the most fabulous, Lilly. I wish you many happy years of using it, and that you don't drop it, as I did mine. I was looking for a new kettle lately and was ever so sad to find that Kitchenaid kettles are available in the US only. I have the mixer and blender, don't want the toaster and coffee-maker, so it's the end of the road. Sigh.

  4. That looks beautiful and delicious! Happy New Year to you as well and I am so looking forward to your Loaves & Fishes dinner in a couple of weeks!

  5. Mise: I have a kettle from Prestige and it's similar to the Kitchenaid one, I love it. And have the prestige toaster too. The Kitcheaid toaster is a bit much, It's massive! Like a spaceage thing!
    Clare: Thanks! See you soon at the L&F dinner, it'll be gorgeous!

  6. Mmmmm anything to do with meringues and I'm drooling. Looks truly scrumptious! Just wondering, what camera do you use? I need to buy a new one, and your pictures are always so lovely. X

  7. That loos so good! Have a sweet day!


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