
February 2, 2012

Happy Belated New Year! Two days after my last blog post our gorgeous baby boy Liam came into the world! I was planning on making a gingerbread house but never got around to it as he decided to arrive early. My festive baking plans were sabotaged! Liam is doing really well now and we're almost in some sort of routine. I feel like I've known him forever and he sleeps most peacfully in the kitchen with the oven humming and the mixer whirring!
I've been up and down to Dublin doing a series of Baking demos on RTE's Fourlive programme for the past few weeks. We did four in total: Breads, Scones, Sponge cakes and pastries. They're all on RTE player now. I also did one just before Christmas on the Peanut Butter Cookies. One of my absolute favourites from Make Bake Love.
I've been doing lots of writing including a once a week piece for The Sunday Business Post's Agenda magazine. I really love that as it involves making a great family meal each week.Next Sunday's will be a gorgeous roast vegetable and goats cheese tart. It's great because I spend the week cooking and experimenting with different flavours. It really has become my dream job!  
So if you've only just come across my blog as a result of Make Bake Love or if you're a regular around here: Happy New Year and let's make 2012 an absolutely great year full of gorgeous food!
Lilly x


  1. Congratulations, Lilly, that's great news! You'll be the perfect mother, and lucky Liam to be growing up with all that good food in the house. You chose a lovely name.

  2. Huge Congrats in the safe arrival of baby Liam! I got your book for Christmas, really enjoying reading it and trying the reciepes!

  3. Congrats Lilly, that's fantastic news!

  4. Congratulations Lilly and a huge welcome to Liam.

    I'm off to watch you on the RTE player.

  5. Happy new year and happy new Liam to you, Lilly. My babies smell of butter and vanilla, yours probably will too.

  6. Congratulations and welcome to Liam.....what a lucky baby he is.

  7. Congratulations Lilly. What a gorgeous name for I am sure, a gorgeous baby.
    Welcome to the world of juggling. I am sure you will do a great job mothering and working. You are a natural.

  8. Congratulations on the birth of baby Liam! What a nice start to the new year!

  9. congrats on the little fella :) quick question, i have your book and went to make the vanilla baked cheesecake but it says 5 eggs in ingredients but it doesnt say when to add them into the mix?


  10. Hi Tara, I know! I'm going mad with that typo! The eggs just need to be mixed in along with everything else, no whisking egg whites or anything! Happy baking!x

  11. Congrats & welcome Baby Liam.I've just ordered your book....looking forward to trying out your recipes with the help of my liitle man standing on the kitchen chair watching :)

  12. thanks lilly, cant wait to taste it! x

  13. I've only just discovered your brilliant book in Carrickfergus library, today I made the amazing peanut butter and choc cake and it's delish. The book is so good I'm gonna have to buy a copy. Congrats and welcome to baby Liam. Ruth, Co.Antrim x

  14. Congratulations Lilly! And welcome to Baby Liam! I recently bought your book and I have to say how lovely it is. The first recipe I made was the Chocolate Peanut Butter cake that you also have on the blog and I must confess I ate most of said cake, genius. I can't wait to make some more! x


Let me know what you think!x