
April 14, 2012

Chia Seed Protein bombs

My sister Raedi is a personal trainer and founder of Run Like a Girl where she teaches girls how to go from walking to running in no time. She leads groups of happy women running around Phoenix Park and is a picture of health and vitality. So naturally I want whatever she's got. Shiny hair and lots of energy? Yup. That sounds good to me. But seeing as I live in Cork and she's based in Dublin I have to do it through distance learning and her first brilliant tip was to make these Protein Bombs from Susan Jane Murray's blog. I didn't have all of the ingredients listed so changed around a few and the results are so delicious! I don't know how these can be good for you but Susan Jane assures us they are. I used Irish company Chia Bia's ground chia and cranberry mix. They have a blueberry one too and it's equally tasty and full of chia goodness.I got organic whey protein in my local Health shop. I'll definitely make these again! 
Lilly x


  1. It seems too easy, no? I am sure that our four will love these! Great idea. Run like a girl is a great programme!

  2. Looks fab - I've just recently come across Chia seeds and they are amazingly full of goodness so I'm inlcined to try to inlcude then in everything - never thought I'd come across something sweet though!

    Can I ask if the whey protein is necessary to make this work? It's the only thing I don't already have in the press and would love to know if anything else would work instead!

  3. Maybe use double the amount of chia or coconut? Or you could add cocoa instead as it's the same texture & consistency as the whey & would add a lovely flavour and great antioxidants too : )

  4. Great thanks so much - I look forward to trying them!

  5. I'm quite unfamiliar with chia seeds and have spotted them recnetly in a health shop here, this has given me some inspiration.

  6. I love Chia Bia products and this sounds like a delicious addition to my healthy chia treats

  7. it sounds very easy to make. also it looks delicious, you sure it's healthy? :P thanks for sharing! :) Love your blog, very creative!

  8. Wonderful looking blog! Thanks for sharing the info..

  9. is there any dairy free alternative to whey powder?

  10. Wow!!! Nice and creative. luvly blog you've got :)


Let me know what you think!x