
July 20, 2012

Quick and Easy Black and Redcurrant Cordial

This year we've rented an allotment and it's been a brilliant way of making us actually grow and nurture  plants. For the past few years we've attempted the whole kitchen garden 'thing' in our own garden but there's something a lot more sociable and enjoyable about gardening with your community. It's really encouraging to see our neighboring plots flourish too and after all that planting and weeding it's finally time for us to start harvesting more than just radishes and salad leaves! We've had the freshest new potatoes and a brilliant selection of herbs that aren't available in shops like Apple and Ginger Mint. For me it's a total joy to be able to stop off on my way home and pick a bunch of dill or fennel to have with our dinner. This week I picked lots of currants. I was totally unsure of what to do with the red currants though, such pretty glistening red berries but are they used for anything useful apart from decoration? A quick online search revealed that red currant jelly was my best bet but it's not something I often use. So I simply added the berries to the cordial I was making. And.. it's addictive! I used a mixture of 1/3 blackcurrants to 2/3 red and it's a rich plummy colour with a fruity fresh taste bursting with vitamins. 

Pop Up Supper at The Science Gallery

Last April I curated a pop up supper in Dublin's fantastic Science Gallery. It's a brilliant resource to have in our capital and I definitely recommend visiting the gallery, such an inspiring space and all the staff are so enthusiastic and friendly. I chose Superfoods as my theme for the pop up and there were salads scattered with ruby red pomegranate seeds and sprouted seeds things as far as the eye could see. And of course antioxidant rich chocolate cake for dessert! Thanks to the lovely Shaun O'Boyle for being a brilliant host and giving me these great photos! Hack the city is the current exhibition at the Science Gallery and it sounds amazing, read all about it here