
February 16, 2013

The luxury that is blogging!

It's incredible how things have changed so quickly. When I first started blogging in 2008 there was no Twitter or Instagram. Blogging was for computer nerds and taking photos of your food before you ate it was unheard of. Now everything is different. Every second diner whips out their iPhone at mealtimes and our daily lives are catalogued in beautifully shot photos where even the dullest of dinners can be made look amazing with the tap of a button. I'm delighted to see all of the amazing videos being posted to Vine, it's such exciting new technology and has massive potential for creativity. I cannot wait to get some time to make a few videos of my own. 

 So with all these instant social networking apps I find blogging a time consuming luxury. I love to compose well thought out blog posts but have decided that this year it's better to just pop in and say Hi more regularly and update you on my goings on each week. This year kicked off as a busy one with the arrival of our second gorgeous baby boy Cathal in January and now I'm just finishing the text for my second book. It'll be out in the Autumn. I've really enjoyed making it and can't wait to hold a physical copy of it in my hands! It's all about the food I'd be serving up if I had a cafe or deli of my own. Fluffy oat pancakes and massive quinoa salads as well as some gorgeous smoothies and there's plenty of pretty cakes for tea break too! 

So I'll be back here soon but in the meantime I'll be on Instagram & Twitter; Have a great week!
Lilly x


  1. Congratulations, Lilly, on your new arrival. No wonder the blog takes a bit of a back seat at times :) Looking forward to your next book.

  2. Congrats on baba and book number 2 : )

  3. I know that feeling, Lilly! Best of luck with cookbook #2.

  4. Congratulations! Your blog is divine


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