
February 27, 2010

Amazing things!

I'm not one for late nights but last night I could not stop dancing and before I knew it it was 2.30am. I know. I'm out of control! So this morning we went to The Crawford Gallery Cafe and I woke up over a big plate of pancakes,bacon and maple syrup. Oh life giving maple syrup, how I love thee. Some people choose Bryan Adams or Alanis Morissette but personally speaking I think maple syrup is Canada's best export.
Anyway when I came home I went up to check on the hens and look what I found:

Ha! A tiny egg! So hilarious. I put it next to a normal hen egg to make it look more dramatic. I don't know which one laid it. I can't tell, you know hens, they're so secretive. They never give the game away.

I don't know if there's a yolk in it. I don't want to break it. I heard that this is usually a hens first ever egg, a tiny one, but our girls have all been laying for ages. So I don't know but I'm delighted because it was an amazing unexpected thing.
A lady once asked me if roosters are steady layers and I said No, not at all. Infact Roosters don't ever lay. She was amazed. I love when people don't know stuff like that. When I was in secondary school one of my friends didn't know that marmalade is made from oranges. You can't make that stuff up.

Anyway the other amazing thing that happened lately is that I found a plate that's a dead ringer for Burleigh's gorgeous design Polka Dots and Roses, even though its a different make ,Grindley from Stratford in England. Incredible. The Burleigh plate cost me 28 euro, I couldn't justify buying more than one!

But then I got 8 of the other plates for a euro each in a second hand shop. Ayeee! Winner takes all!

I hope you find lots of little amazing things this week too!
Lilly x


  1. How lovely a tiny egg, and how beautifully photographed. You could invite a dainty little girl around and she could have her own child-sized egg with mini-toasts. And then she can chase the hens. I still recall the huge joy of chasing hens - can't think why I stopped doing it.

  2. I know!They're so like dinosaurs when they run. Now you know what I do all day! x

  3. Hi Lilly,
    Thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I'm glad you did because now I know about you. I signed up to follow you too and will be back often.
    Now excuse me while I go snoop around your lovely blog.


  4. Even Leonard Cohen ?
    what a mysterious egg event , do hens have dwarfs ? is it too late to incubate ?
    and seeing as you like to provide unknown information...I've a question that no one can sufficently answer, not even MISE , who i thought knew everything i'm asking you too...
    Why ? , in your opinion, do blogger use the symbol for a wheelchair user beside the word verification box when a symbol of an ear would be much more appropriate?

  5. Jaboopee! I thought maybe it was a dwarf hen too, Im after giving it to an appropriate sized toddler.
    According to google the wheelchair symbol is used because it's the 'well-recognized icon for accessibility'. But I reckon you should contact them with your highly appropriate ear idea. You could make millions!

  6. Thank you lilly you are indeed a font of information, i'm sending my letter forthwith. I will buy you another Burleigh plate when I make my fortune.

  7. Thank you for visiting me the other day...I so so agree..maple syrup is the best! Especially on French Toast. Your blog is lovely. xo

  8. Hi Lilly.

    I've been going back to your blog all morning to look at little bits and pieces.

    Very inspiring on the crafts front AND the baking front. And everything is so pretty.

    A very unpatronising GOOD GIRL to you

  9. Thanks, you're so good to be so nice! You have a lovely name. Stay tuned because tomorrow I'm doing a post involving some mind blowing baking. Have a good day! x

  10. What a lovely little egg! I wouldn't want to break it either. Is there a way to preserve such things or will it go bad if not refrigerated?
    Also hilarious that lady not knowing roosters don't lay. I know next to nothing about keeping chickens but even I know that much!


Let me know what you think!x