
February 24, 2010

Kiss & Makeup!

I wear makeup every day. I love it. Any time I don't wear any people ask me if I'm feeling sick, I'm actually quite pale in real life but I love to emerge from the house a biscuity beige, my cheeks sculpted by glistening bronze powder, aah lovely! For months I've had cosmetics scattered around the hall outside my bedroom but spring has sprung and it's time to get organised.Inspired by Mise's spring clean, I bought this:

A dated chip board vanity unit thing. Not bad for twenty two euro though! And to sweeten the deal, two drawers! You can never have enough storage. I painted the whole thing in a blueberried grey matte paint.

I spray painted the door knobs red. Although I'm still not convinced that they are as gorgeous as possible but I'll live with them for a while and see.

I'm using one of the stools from the kitchen that I painted up last year, I'll have to get a special one for this at some stage though, maybe with a velvet seat! So boudoir!

The beautiful ceramic head is by brilliant local artist Michael O'Donovan.
Finally a place to preen myself and paint my face for five minutes every morning!
Lilly x


  1. Bravo! It's a swell corner, halfway along the scale between French and retro, and would certainly lift my heart in the morning. I have furniture-painting compulsion too and three chests of drawers to tackle one fine day. That's a lovely milky blue-grey you chose and the knobs are perfect in red.

  2. well aren't you the very clever clogs, a vanity unit to out vanity any other...and doesn't mr. suitcase look very happy in his new home too .
    lovely, congratulations and happy preening.

  3. Thanks ladies!
    Mise, it is a bit french now that I look at it. It'll be alot easier to start all of those painting jobs once it stops raining outside!
    Jabopee, thats my sisters suitcase and she'll want it back if she catches me with it!

  4. Thank you for your kind words over on my blog. I couldn't help but notice you live in Cork Ireland. I had a dear friend on Maui that grow up in Cork Ireland.

  5. I forgot to say love the red with the blue grey.

  6. I love a good furniture makeover! It looks so cute. Those knobs are pretty stellar as well.

    excited, hence shouting

  8. Shouting is good! Great magpie work Kirstie! x


Let me know what you think!x