
June 13, 2010

Pride Cakes

Pride Cakes. I bet you were expecting photos of a gathering of lion themed cakes? Nope. Instead it's Pride Cakes to celebrate the start of The Dublin Pride Festival which starts on 19th June. The Cork Pride parade was on last June the 5th and was a beautiful bright and happy family day out with gorgeous weather. The theme for this years parade is family. I heard Oisin from Dublin Pride doing a great interview on Newstalk last week and I instantly thought: I must make some sort of cakes!

This recipe involved a basic cupcake mixture and 6 teacups. I divided the mix between the 6 cups and added food dye to each mix. Then I layered about a half teaspoon of each coloured cake mix into each case. Et voila!

I think white icing is perfect for these. We're after developing a bit of an addiction to cream cheese icing in our house. All I'm saying is next time I make these cakes I can't leave them unattended or they will be swiped from the kitchen table...again.

For more about the planned festival go to Dublin Pride. Have a great week!

Lilly x


  1. ah excellent, just excellent Lilly. Who would have thought that underneath the cool white icing was a rainbow. I'm sure Dora the Explorer would approve :-)
    I can see these on my baking list for the not too distant future.

  2. Oh very tempting! They remind me of Meredith's famous rainbow cake. Please be very proud of them. I missed the Taste of Dublin - was it good fun?

  3. Dear Lilly,

    Thanks so much for getting involved! I love them, going to be making some for myself the morning of the Pride Parade in Dublin on the 16th! :-)

  4. here in Long beach we have a pride day but it is a different sort of pride.

  5. They look brilliant! I'm always going on about how there's not enough blue food, but I might have to change that to there not being enough rainbow coloured food now...

  6. Lilly, your buns/cupcakes are just so cheerful, perfect for the Pride Parade.

  7. jaysus, think you may be addicted to the auld food colouring now ;) speaking of which, that wedding cake at Taste was spectacular! ye did fantastically well...we loved it...we want more, we want more! yes we were smiling up cause we were having such a great time. pity we didnt get to hang out more after.we were already on our way pissed (& ended up out with the chefs till the wee hours!). by the way....guess what? i'm coming live & direct from ballycotton! down with rachel allen for the week! s x

  8. Yum! And I have to say I love your photo composition! The rainbow of books in the background is a lovely touch :)

  9. I love that you heard an interview and thought immediately that you must make some sort of cakes! (I really must indulge this reaction more often.) They look delicious--I want to make them just so I can be proud of my pride cupcakes. Love your blog!

  10. Jacinta, Beatnheart, Brownieville girl & Zoe: Thanks a million for the lovely comments!
    Gillian: They are very Dora, Perfect for a toddlers birthday party!
    Mise: Merediths cake is gorgeous, I hadn't seen it but I have seen the amazing version of Rainbow cake by Taste of Dublin was great, we did a wedding cake, i must put a post up about it!
    Oisin: yay! I'm delighted you like them and that'd be brilliant if you made them!
    Kitty Cat: Yeah I definitely have to lay off the food colouring for a while after this one!
    Sharon: It was brilliant to see ye!x Hope you're having a great time in ballycotton and not working too hard ya lucky duck!
    Rachel Kay: Thanks! The books are funny, sure I'd be looking around the house for stuff to stick in the background!

  11. These are beautiful. Happy Pride! xx


Let me know what you think!x