
June 4, 2010

Turkish Delight Cupcakes...ooh lala!

It all started when Mise from Pretty Far West sent me some gorgeous chocolate as part of a giveaway on her blog. My snack of choice is usually crackers & cheese or something savoury. I rarely reach for the chocolate but this stuff was different. It was from The Cocoa Bean Chocolate Company and one bar was rose and pistachio. Schaaaawing! Gorgeous.

So I had to do something special with it and show this sweet treat a good time. Introducing.... Turkish Delight cakes! A fluffy rose scented bun with chocolate and rose frosting. Don't get me wrong it doesn't taste like a mouth full of pot pourri or when you accidently spray perfume in your mouth, the rose taste is subtle and romantic. The smell of these cakes baking in the oven is worth it alone! I'm in love!

Rose Cupcakes

(From The Primrose Bakery)

110g unsalted butter, softened

225g golden caster sugar

2 large eggs

150g self raising flour

125g plain flour

120ml milk

1/2 tsp rosewater ( I actually used 2 teaspoons! No harm)

  • Heat the oven to gas mark 4 and line a 12 hole muffin tin with paper cases.

  • In a large mixing bowl cream together the butter and the sugar until well smooth.

  • Add the eggs one at a time, mixing into the mixture between additions.

  • Sift the 2 flours into a separate, smaller, bowl.

  • Measure out the milk in a jug and then add the rose water to this.

  • Add 1/3 of the flour to the large bowl. Beat well until combined.

  • Add 1/3 of the milk and beat again. - Add another 1/3 of the flour, beat and keep going till it's all added & combined well.

  • Spoon the mixture into the paper cases. Fill about 2/3 full. - Bake for about 25 mins until golden brown and a skewer inserted comes out clean.

  • Remove from the oven and leave to cool inthe tin for 5-10 minutes.

  • Then turn out to cool completely on a wire rack.

Turkish Delight Frosting

80g dark chocolate 70% cocoa solids

110g butter, softened

1 tsp milk

2 tsp rose water

125g icing sugar, sifted

  • Melt the chocolate in bowl over a saucepan of barely simmering water. Leave to cool slightly.

  • In a large mixing bowl beat the butter, milk, rose water & icing sugar until smooth.
  • Add the melted chocolate & keep beating until thick & creamy. If it looks too runny just keep beating it and it will thicken up.

  • Once the cakes are iced sprinkle them with chocolate vermicilli or the rose & pistachio chocolate pieces like I did.

I actually added some pink food colouring to these cakes just to complete the whole turkish delight theme but since the eggs I use have such yellow yolks the cakes turned out orange. Doh! If you used battery eggs then it probably would work. Oh the sacrifices I make to keep my hens happy! By the way this cupcake recipe is from The Primrose Bakery and is by far the best I've come across, gorgeous light cakes and you can just substitute the rose water for vanilla.

Lilly x


  1. Crikey, they look delicious! And I NEVER use the word crikey so that shows you just what an effect those cupcakes have on me!
    Aw man, now I want cupcakes... :)

  2. They look fantastic, LOVE your photos.

    I have the Primrose Bakery book, but haven't baked anything from it yet, will have to rectify that!

  3. uuummmm..turkish is my favourite!! loving the setting of the scene, really fab ;) x

  4. How gorgeously delicious. I wonder where i'm going to find these ingrediants now, i need to bake these!

  5. mmmmmm, blogging law dictates that you have to
    organise a give away if you make something out of a giveaway win,
    and furthermore....the winner has to be your fifth commentator.

  6. What a fine use for the chocolate. They look very delicious indeed, and beautifully photographed. I rediscovered rosewater lately when M&S started selling it in alluring little bottles, and have been adding it to everything. The children don't like it, so that means there are always slices of rose-scented cake left for me. Would you invent and popularise blue cheese on rose crackers?

  7. They look unreal! Think I'll be making them, I may load up on the pistachio though, mmmmmmmmmm.

  8. Beautiful photographs. And I can almost smell the scene of the rose and taste the chocolate.

    Oh I absolutely adore your blog header too. Very creative and original.


Let me know what you think!x