
September 21, 2010

I want to be a cherry soaked in Brandy when I grow up...

 I was given this incredible bottle of cherries soaked in alcohol from a Polish friend. It's changed my life. Well it did change my life for a week because I ate drunken cherries with yogurt, on top of chocolate cupcakes,  added to brownies and then to top off the week made this massive Black Forest gateau. I had to stop myself from adding them to my porridge on Friday morning! The back of the label simply states: Eat the cherries, Drink the alcohol, Long may it last. I'm sure you could get this stuff in your local Polish shop, I meant to check today. I'd be interested to see how much it is as the Bols Cherry Kirsch stuff that I usually buy is over 30 euro, ouch! And it doesn't taste half as nice as this, and you get incredible cherries too!

You too can have a gorgeous giant boozey cake. Beeeeautiful! Just use your favourite chocolate cake recipe. Soak each layer with the cherry brandy and dot with cherries. Top with cream and more cherries then  top with the second layer and more cream. So just to recap: Brandy, Cherries, Cream, Cherries, Cream, Cream, Brandy, cherries, Cream. Cherries. Oh and a generous dusting of cocoa.

I once made a Black Forest gateau with eight layers in an effort to woo a boy. He was totally wooed but it was very difficult to actually cut the towering cherry chocolate mass. So I've changed the cake and now make a flatter, larger two layer cake. I haven't changed the boy though!
Lilly x


  1. Eight layers for true love; wouldn't that make the perfect pop song title? I adore cherry brandy chocolates but they always remind me of that line from Yeats, Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold, so I don't eat them in public. Your cake is magnificent.

  2. Yummy! that looks so delicious! Have a sweet day!

  3. What's wrong with booze cherries on a Friday morning?!

  4. Omg, so yummmo. DId you ever find out if the Polish shops carry it? I want to go see now too and make this cake over the weekend! Imen x


Let me know what you think!x