
September 30, 2010

My trip to London! Better late than never!

I'm a disgrace! I know. I went to London about two weeks ago and still haven't shown you any photos. I actually didn't bring a camera. So I just took photos with my phone, excuse the poor quality! The highlights of my three day whirlwind romance with the English Capital begins with my lunch in The Hummingbird Bakery in Soho. I made a beeline from the airport to here. I sat perched on a stool eating this beautiful raspberry cheesecake brownie safe in the knowledge that I have the recipe at home in their brilliant book. Swoon. This was followed by an amazing sugar headache and a trip to Maison Bertaux for some more cake and pastries. I also went to the Selfridges Exhibition of Shoes by Vivienne Westwood, amaaaazing. Especially if you're off your face on sugar. Then I sat in a park in Soho reading for two hours and watching people play table tennis.

I also went to The Victoria & Albert Museum. I love it. So many beautiful things all together, and they have a brilliant shop too! Their glass collection was really gorgeous, I could have wandered around looking at it all day. They also have a beautiful cafe where we had a really nice lunch and sat in a huge room with massive glass globe lights and stained glass windows with a golden painted ceiling. Very beautiful.

The Tate was amazing. Interesting and modern. I would have loved to have seen the Gaugain exhibition, I think it may be open now and would be well worth visiting.
We also went to my most favourite restaurant in the world. I love the food. Ottolenghi! Yay! I have both of their amazing books and my bestest sister Maeve actually got both Sammi Tamimi and Yotam Ottolenghi to sign my birthday card this year. I'm a major fan. The food was perfect, a dreamy haze. So nourishing and inspiring. I actually saw Sammi going from the kitchen to the office while I was halfway through my aubergine and tzatziki and I nearly died. Starstruck.

The main reason I went to London was to visit the incredible Miss Marmite Lover and her Underground Restaurant. I was actually so excited about this because I have been reading her blog for a while now and read about her last year in The Irish Times. She did a brilliant write up of the night with great photos on her blog here. It was just amazing, the whole meal was beautiful and her house is just like a fairy tale film set. A cream Aga, Smeg and Kitchen Aid! Blue and White china as far as the eye can see. I wanted to live there. Wow. Maeve and her friends Josie, Claudia & more were doing stand up in between the courses so it was a tasty mix of food and humour. Just like dinner at home!

I would love to do a supper club night like this. I'm thinking probably in Dublin as my kitchen here in Cork is too small and too hidden away. I just love cooking for people and having people chatting over gorgeous food. Let me know what you think!
Lilly x


  1. Would love to attend a supper club chez nous! We are planning "farm dinners' in the Spring/Summer too! Lovely post..the perfect trip to London xx

  2. What a fab blog. I think you've just invented a whole new genre... OMFOS Travel: 'Off My Face On Sugar' Travel! Nice one.

  3. You sure know how to travel, Lilly! And keep that sugar rush going till you've set up a supper club. I'll be all for it. I'll make new friends especially to take them along.

  4. Glad you had a great time in London. I might be a little biased, being a Londoner myself but I do think it's the best city in the world.

    As for a Supper Club, I have yet to try one out but I love the idea of it. Let us know if you do one yourself.

  5. Imen: Farm Dinners are a great idea! Really lovely, lots of your own produce, it'd be priceless! Amazing.x
    Pol: You can use the OMFOS Travel for your next article so, Thanks for the positive feeback!
    Mise: I'd love if you came! I'll keep ye updated.
    Elizabeth: London was brilliant, lucky lady to live there! Miss Marmite Lover does brilliant Farmers Markets in her house too, you should pop in! x

  6. Yeay, you came to my part of the world! And I am flailing madly at the sight of that raspberry cheesecake brownie. I have been to the Hummingbird Bakery on Portobello Road, but didn't know there was a closer place for me in Soho - woohoo! Also Ottolenghi is gorgeous, isn't it? And thank you for pointing me in the way of a supper club, not been to one of these before, but think they are such a great idea. I am sure if you did one you'd get lots of visitors!

  7. Wow I so want to go to that bakery the food looks amazing! Shame about it being a gazillion miles away though. So glad you had a good time, your photos are gorgeous :)

  8. One day I plan to go back to London! When I do I really want to eat at the Hummingbird Bakery. One day... Oh and I've awarded you the lovely blog award over on my own blog.

  9. i want to come too and I'd love to get off my face on sugar jealous of your Ottolenghi experience,.. comforted myself with his cauliflower cake from last weekend guardian, unusually i had all of the required ingredients , just back too from london experience....loved the v&a too , hated having to share the tate with everyone else though..we can drop more cultural whatsits at the supper party darlink.....mwah !hiccc!


Let me know what you think!x