
July 31, 2011

Brilliant News & The Best Chocolate Cake

So some brilliant news to kick off the week! We have a publishing date for the Make,Bake,Love book: 21st October and to top off all the excitement of that we're having a baby in December! Yay! We're so delighted and can't wait for both brilliant new arrivals; book and baby! So I'm taking 'maternity leave' from the Supper Club for a few months, August is our last and is fully booked. We are having a Tea Party in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland in the supper club on 27th August and there's still places left, Read about it here! To celebrate here's the most amazing chocolate cake recipe, it's flourless, a dream to make and tastes even better when kept in the fridge overnight. Hurray!

Green & Blacks Chocolate Mousse Cake
Use: 20cm or 23cm (8in or 9in) cake tin with removable base or a similar-sized tart tin
Serves: 10

1 tablespoon ground almonds plus extra for dusting tin
300g (101/2oz) dark chocolate, minimum 60% cocoa solids, broken into pieces
275g (10oz) caster sugar
165g (51/2oz) butter
5 large eggs

Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/gas mark 4. Brush the tin with a little melted butter and dust with the ground almonds, shaking off any excess.
Melt the chocolate, caster sugar and butter in a heatproof bowl suspended over a saucepan of barely simmering water, then remove from the heat.
Whisk the eggs with the ground almonds and fold into the chocolate mixture. The mixture will thicken after a few minutes. Pour into the cake tin and bake for 35-40 minutes.
Remove the sides of the tin and leave the cake on the base to cool, then dust using a fine sieve with icing sugar or brush with edible gold dust.

This is the perfect cake when you need something gorgeous but don't have loads of time, and it's really rich so a small piece with greek yogurt or cream is unreal!
Lilly x


  1. Oh top news, Lilly! A baby! Many congratulations to you both - that'll be someone else to bake for as time goes by. And another naming dilemma!

    It's good to have the book becoming so real. May the good fortune roll on and on.

  2. Congratulations on the publishing date Lilly, not to mention the forthcoming new arrival!!! :)

  3. Lovely news, Lilly, congratulations! And this looks like the perfect celebratory cake.

  4. Delicious post & outstanding news!!!

    Huge congrats, you'll have new book and a well fed Baba xx

  5. Congratulations on such wonderful news Lilly! What wonderful gifts for Christmas, a beautiful baby for you and your lovely book for all of your friends!
    Enjoy your pregnancy & I look forward to your book,
    Nicola :)

  6. How absolutely wonderful! Congratulations :)

  7. Massive congratulations Lilly, a book and a baby! How exciting!!!
    (Oh and the cakes not bad either!)

  8. What wonderful news!!! Love hearing about little babies coming along.. Congratulations!! Well done on book and cake too! :-)

  9. Brilliant news on both counts, I look forward to picking up your book and also, the very, very best of luck with your baba :D

  10. A book and a baby! Congratulations on both bits of wonderful news, what a year this will be for you. x

  11. Awwww - congratulations! And what better way to celebrate than with cake :)

  12. That's fantastic news on all counts! Congratulations and well done x

  13. Amazing news! Congratulations on both expected deliveries - very exciting!

  14. You're having a baby ...YAY!! Congratulations xx

    I am also excited about the book .. but I've told you that about a million times already ;)

    Hope you're keeping well x

  15. made the cake last night, it was DELICIOUS. comhghairdeas on the book and the baby, you've a busy year ahead! enjoy every minute of it. x

  16. congratulations! The cake looks and sounds amazing

  17. Congratulations what a wonderful existing time. Enjoy your success

  18. Aaah!!! Congratulations Lilly! I'm delighted for ye, xxx

  19. Congratulations and such a happy cake to celebrate with :)

  20. Great news all round! Congratulations!

  21. Congratulations on the great news. Thank you for your wonderful Italian Wedding Cake recipe. I wrote a post on it here

    I loved it.

  22. Thanks so much for all your lovely comments! xxx

  23. sounds great looking forward to trying it , one ques , there is no salt in ingredients and it is in method ???????????? thanks and congrats on baby and book !

  24. Hi Myra, I've changed it now! The original recipe uses unsalted butter and adds salt but as we all generally use salted butter here in Ireland I've omitted the salt. Thanks!x

  25. Just checked your blog to find out when the book is coming out and read your doubly fantastic news. Many congratulations, and happy times ahead.

  26. Congratulations - wishing you the very best.

  27. Wonderful - congrats. I have 3 kids and they are a joy. Best of luck with it all.

  28. Has Baby arrived yet Lilly?I'm looking forward to the 28th Dec when i become Mommy to your new book -yaaah!

  29. Hi Mairead, baby Liam arrived on December 6th! Best early Christmas present ever, the cutest thing. hope you enjoy the book!x


Let me know what you think!x